Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2010-2011 Updates

The first meeting will be on September 9th, 6:30-8 pm. Sandy Borgeson, once again, was kind enough to reserve her church, Fairview Christian Church, for our use - we are so lucky to have such a wonderful facility to meet at! Meetings are currently scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. With Middle School comes more opportunities for the girls - which means busier, sometimes hectic schedules. This year, to accommodate these busy schedules we may decide to meet only once a month. This will be up for discussion, Troop and adults, at the first meeting.

#2 - Girl Scout Advisers - In Cadettes, the leaders are referred to as Advisers. This year the Advisers are Deidra Romey and Carol Edwards. Carol Hagan has retired from Girl Scouts. Make sure you thank her for her 6 wonderful years as troop 966's leader!

#3 - Registrations - The first meeting will be registration night. Please be prepared to complete the necessary paper work and update any medical info, (doctor, dentist, etc). Please bring a copy of your insurance card. Please bring $12, check or cash, for registration.