Friday, October 15, 2010

Owl Prowl 2011 - "A night at the library"

Who: Registered 4th Grade & Older Girl Scouts

What: All night activities, including crafts, games, swimming, snacks, dancing and/or movie.

**Please note that again this year, the event will be a NON-SLEEPING event.

When: Saturday January 29, 2011 until Sunday, January 30, 2011
- 4th – 6th grade troops will be assigned arrival times between 8 and 8:45pm
- Troops will leave the event by 6 am on Sunday, January 30, 2011
Why: - An all night event filled with fun and good times
- Recruitment and retention of Girl Scouts
- A way to showcase leadership abilities & to help obtain service hours
- A time for girls and adults to get acquainted and share ideas
- A chance for girls to have some freedom, while in a safe and secure environment

Where: Liberty Community Center/Middle School
1600 South Withers Road, Liberty, Missouri
Cost: $14 per girl – includes program, food and patch; plus $10 per troop administrative fee. This fee will be paid for by the troop if they participate in "Cookies for Christmas". See the entry below for more info.

Schedule of 4th- 6th Grade Events:
8 - 9 pm – 4th – 6th grade troops arrive
9 pm-3 am – 4th – 6th grade swimming (assigned times)
9 pm-3 am – Various activities throughout facility
10 pm - 2:30am – Food Area Open
3 - 3:30am – Popsicles in Middle School Commons Area
3:30 - 4 am – All Participants in the Middle School Gym for Teen Girl Recognition and Special Announcements
4 - 6 am – Various Late Night Activities – including sports, dancing, movie, and games

Longer Swim Times: Year after year, the girls request longer swim times on their event evaluation forms. This year we are going to attempt to accommodate this. In order to accomplish this, we will have to increase the # of girls that swim per time period. Instead of an average of 80-90 girls per swim period, we will have 120-130 girls per swim period. This is still within the capacity of the pool (170 girls). We hope that everything will go smoothly, but ask for your patience as we try to make this request happen for the girls.

Service Project: In keeping with the library theme, we are asking everyone to bring a gently used book that will be donated to Children’s Mercy hospital or schools/shelters that are in need of books.

Registration: Ensure all registration forms are completed properly Leaders name, email address and phone number are on the Summary Form Attach Check payable to Girl Scouts Keep copy of Flyer for future reference Keep copy of registration and summary forms for additional girls Contact Leslie Myers if you have any questions: e-mail
Coming To and During the event: Eat dinner before arriving – only snacks are served Arrive as a troop-no individual drop-offs Individual girls cannot check into the event No sleeping bags Watch out for your buddy Have a great time!!

Adults – FREE without Food Card; $3 with Food Card
Registration: November 13, 2010, 9 -11 am – LIBERTY COMMUNTIY CENTER – BLUE ROOM

Are you interested in designing this year’s theme patch and t-shirt logo?
If so, have your leader bring your drawing to Owl Prowl Registration on Saturday, November 17th from 9 - 11 am at the Liberty Community Center, 1600 S Withers Rd, Liberty, MO 64068. Our theme this year is “A Night at the Library”. The Owl Prowl Committee will review all submissions and notify you of the choices.
Troop # Service Unit #
Leader’s Name, Email Address & Phone #:
Girl’s Name, Email Address & Phone #:

1. Copy the individual registration forms as needed. Have the parents or adults complete, sign and date the forms. Using the individual forms, complete the summary form. Total the money due on the summary form and make ONE troop check payable to GIRL SCOUTS for the total amount.
2. You must register 1 adult for every 8 girls, MINIMUM of 2 adults per troop for 4th – 6th grade troops. YOU ARE LIMITED TO THE MINIMUM # OF ADULTS REQUIRED IN SAFETY CHECKPOINTS. Up to 16 girls – MAX 2 adults, 17-24 girls – MAX 3 adults, 25-32 girls – MAX 4 adults. The adult ratio will be enforced so the maximum number of girls may participate. Your troop must provide 1 adult pool watcher at the time your troop swims and must arrange for adult supervision outside of the pool area for any girls not swimming.
3. Bring the PROPERLY COMPLETED registration forms to the Liberty Community Center – Blue Room on Saturday, November 13th from 9 – 11 am. Please note that this will be the ONLY scheduled time registrations will be accepted. All forms and money will be checked before you leave, so please allow ample time. A pay telephone will be available if needed. You may want to bring a cell phone with you to eliminate the need to use the pay phone. There will be several people set up to process the registrations, but there could be a waiting line.
4. PROPERLY COMPLETED registrations will be processed in the order in which they are turned in. SPACE IS LIMITED TO 1000 (INCLUDES BOTH GIRLS AND ADULTS) AT THE EVENT DUE TO SAFETY CONCERNS – when the maximum capacity is reached, registrations will be put on a waiting list.
5. You will receive a confirmation packet emailed by December 31, 2011. It will contain an equipment list, check in time, swimming time, roster and door arrival cards. ADULTS WILL BE ASSIGNED TO WORK AT THIS EVENT. Adults will be given their work assignment the night of the event. It is IMPERATIVE that you show up at your assigned time and place so that all the adults may enjoy spending time with their troop. If you cannot make your assigned work time, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. Without the volunteers to help at each of the work assignments, this event would not be possible.
- The event is full and we are not able to place your troop.
- Your troop will be placed on a waiting list. Your check and registrations will be held in case there is a cancellation. Your check will be returned if we are not able to work your troop in.
- A girl can not go after you register her with your troop OR a girl wants to go after your troop has registered.
- You can replace her with another girl from the same troop.
- There will be NO refunds.

Additional registration information and helpful hints: All registrations will be turned in at the Liberty Community Center – Blue Room in person. By having the leader wait while the forms are checked, any missing information can be highlighted, the leader can call the parent to get the needed information, and the troop registration can be processed. We are hoping this will cut down on frustration, while still allowing the registration committee to ensure the safety of each girl and adult attending the event. This will also eliminate any registrations being lost or delayed in the mail. We also realize that there is a potential to have long lines waiting to turn in the registrations. We will have several people at the community center to check the forms. We hope to be able to keep the lines moving and not have anyone wait for an unreasonable amount of time. Again, if all leaders have checked the forms prior to turning them in, the process will go smoother AND quicker.

Optional Food Card for Adults - Every year, the Adults have had the opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of Owl Prowl and enjoy treats in a hospitality room (which contains food that all leaders bring to share with others). Many times the adults never make it to the kitchen to enjoy the food that has been bought and prepared for all attendees of the event. Because of that, much food gets wasted. In order to cut down the waste, adults will not be given a food card to eat in the kitchen unless they pay the additional $3 fee (the regular registration fee has been eliminated for adults unless they opt for a Food Card). There always seems to be more than enough food/drink available in the hospitality room that nobody should go hungry or thirsty. This year, the Food Card will get you – Hobo Stew, Popcorn, Ice Cream Sundae, 4 Sodas.
Past experience has shown that girls in the 4th grade and above are able to stay awake, alert and enjoy the event to the fullest. So, this year, we will continue to limit the event to Girl Scouts who are in the 4th grade or above. Troops that are comprised of multi-grade levels will only be able to register the girls who are in the 4th, 5th or 6th grade. We hope this will continue to give the younger girls a fun event to look forward to and help ensure that it is an enjoyable experience for the girls and their leaders.

In light of recent events, we have looked closely at our security procedures and are making a change to the check-out procedure. When you arrive at the event, you will again receive a troop packet. This year, included in the packet will be a checkout form for each girl attending the event. If an adult picks one girl up early, the leader will need to have that adult sign the form stating that they have picked the girl up and indicate the time. The form will be given to the person monitoring the Middle School door prior to the girl being allowed to leave. If the entire troop leaves together, the leader can indicate on the top form that everyone in the troop is leaving, indicate the time they are leaving and sign the form. Each individual form will not need to be filled out and signed if the entire troop is leaving at the same time. We hope this will continue to ensure the safety of the girls attending the event while keeping paperwork to a minimum.

Times will be scheduled for 4th – 6th grade troops to swim. If the troop selects to leave before 3:00am, we may not be able to schedule the troop to swim.

Girls and adults wishing to participate in the After Hours Craft Activity are asked to bring an old pair of adult jeans. Also if troops can bring larger scissors for their troops use during this project, it would be greatly appreciated.
The event is FREE for adults. You may purchase a patch for attending this event for an additional $1. Please make check or money order payable to “Girl Scouts” and turn into troop leader along with this form. Please note this is a non-sleeping event.

In order to reduce the amount of food that is leftover at the end of the event, adults will no longer be given a card for food that is available in the kitchen. The Hospitality Room will still be available to all adults. You may purchase a Food Card for the event for an additional $3. The food card will get you – Hobo Stew, Popcorn, Ice Cream Sundae, 4 Sodas.
Do you wish to purchase a food card (circle one): YES NO
For Junior Troops Only: During our troop swim time, I will be a (circle one): Swimmer -or- Pool Watcher
***Adults wanting to swim in the deep end must pass the swim test*** Swim Level - Beginner or Advanced
We sincerely appreciate your help with this event!

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