Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bank Acct. Info

The troop has decided to use troop funds to pay for the various fun patches and programs through out the year. This will help them gain financial independence - one step closer to running thier own troop! If troop funds run low the girls will host fundraisers (in addition to cookies sales). They will also vote on all events that will cost money. There are a few rules that will have to be followed: If a troop member signs up for an event that requires pre payment and then does not attend that event she will be required to refund the troop prior to attending any other events. Due to the troops limited funds, Any events that are exceptionally costly (over $15 per person) will need to be funded by the troop member not the troop. The Troop Account balance will be available in the newsletters and blogs so the troop can make informed financial decisions and the ability to budget for future expenses. The 2010-2011 starting balance is: $449.72

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